Tag Archives: multicultural

One and a half lingual

When your mother tongue is not your mother’s, you grow up with an echo. In our house, English was the official language, the language of information transfer. Cantonese, my parents’ first language, was the language of emotion and of secrets. … Continue reading

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My favorite feminist film

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Is also my favorite film. And believe me, coming up with a fave is not easy for me. I don’t think I could come up with a favorite book. This film, When A Woman Ascends The Stairs, stands out because … Continue reading

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Cumin and Hammers

Once, I had a difficult plane flight from Frankfurt to Nairobi. I’d purchased my ticket from Bulgarian Airlines about 30 hours before departure, at the height of the summer travel season. The plane stopped in Sofia, where I was told … Continue reading

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Girl Mechanic Review: asianmommy.com

Yay, another blog review of the The Girl Mechanic of Wanzhou, at asianmommy.com Much appreciated!

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Girl Mechanic Review: dontmesswithmama.com

Great new year’s news: a review of The Girl Mechanic Of Wanzhou on Tracey Black’s wonderful blog, dontmesswithmama.com Check it out!

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The Four Food Groups

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When I was a kid, four food groups competed in our house. Each group viewed the others with suspicion and claimed itself superior. My two grandmothers, and my mother, each stood like a pillar for a variant of Chinese food. … Continue reading

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Ethnic Roots: Refusal to add fractions

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I’m a Hong Kong puppy, a little of this, a little of that from the Eurasian land mass. People often ask, are you half Chinese? How much English? And then there’s commenting on how I look racially, and all that. … Continue reading

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